Major Mistakes You Should Avoid While Dish Cleaning In Kitchen

Household chores are not easy to complete on top of that every chore has a set of definite steps which when met leads to satisfactory results. Keeping this information in mind, one should definitely avoid making the following mistakes while washing the dishes in their kitchen for the best results. The household appliance is very easy to use and very useful in preparing drinks, broths, vitamins, sauces, and other types of meals. It is hard to imagine a very complete kitchen today without such a tool like blender

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Wasting Water

Doing the dishes using your bare hands is a big no-no especially when you want to keep your hands safe from the harsh chemical ingredients of your run-of-the-mill dishwashing liquid. On top of that, since potable water is a limited resource, it is advised that you are taking measures to limit water wastage in your kitchen. Be sure to use an energy star rated dishwashing machine in your kitchen. Dishwashers are perfect when you want to keep water wastage at bay.

Using Old Sponge

Modern-day dish cleaning sponges are perfect for keeping your dishes clean. That being said, do you know that you need to replace your kitchen’s dish cleaning sponge on a periodic basis? Dish-cleaning sponges, especially the old worn out ones are breeding grounds for disease-causing bacteria and microbes. That being said, make sure to buy your next set of dish cleaning sponges from renowned sources like Neatspiration for best results.

Improper Dish Washing

In case you are cleaning a cast iron pan or any other form of utensil made of the same material, it is best that you don’t use soap at all. Instead, using a brush and lukewarm water would serve you the best.

If you are using a dishwasher in your kitchen to do the dishes for you, make sure that you are not putting in any utensil or kitchenware made of wood. Knives and non-stick cookware should also be kept away from dishwashers as the latter can cause substantial damage to the former.

Not Sanitizing Properly

Sanitizing your kitchen sink before and after cleaning dirty dishes is one of those healthy practices that you should follow religiously. Experts at the National Health Service say that your kitchen sink is ten times dirtier than your toilet! It is one of the many reasons why they recommend homemakers to disinfect their kitchen sink on a regular basis using a mixture of baking soda, salt and vinegar.

Over Soaping

Dishwashing is not bubble bath time for your kitchenware. If you are using an excess of soap for cleaning your dishes, chances are really high that post cleaning, the dishes will have a thin layer of dirty grime mixed with dried up bubbles of the dish cleaner. If you or your loved ones accidentally consume the same during mealtime, results won’t be pretty, to say the least.

It is best to sum it up with another word of advice. Doctors advice that to make sure that your kitchen dishes don’t have traces of microbial life on them, while washing, it is best to sterilize the same using water with a temperature of about 120 to 140 degrees F. On top of that, be sure to pay attention to the sections mentioned above to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.