How To Change Bathtub Faucet valve Quick And Easy Way

Most of the people call the plumber for fixing out the sanitary issues such as the water leakage issue, tap leakage, bathtub faucet valve issue, etc. while others who love to do the challenges opt for fixing out these little home issues by themselves. So, if you are the one who is interested in completing the challenges and want to learn about the useful tips while changing the bathtub faucet valve then read out this article.


Turn off the water supply

The number one step is to turn off the water supply, if you are going to change bathtub faucet valve or any other water related valve. Keep some cloth with you to clean the excess amount of water.

Drain Excess Water

Usually two types of facet (washerless or washer-type) are available in market in plenty of designs, but their procedure is almost the same. Open the faucet and drain as much water as possible.

Expose the valve

Use a screwdriver for unscrewing the screws that attach the handles. Then pull the handle away from the wall to expose the valve. Then you will see the mechanism behind the handle that can vary from model to model and maker to maker.

Things to Consider

Some important things to keep in mind while removing the stem of the facet. Because this will help you out while purchasing the replacement of the facet. The points are:

  • Pay attention that whether the pipe has “male” or “female” connections. If it has the exterior threads then it is male connection and if it has interior threads then the connection is female. So keep in mind.
  • Another important point is that If you cannot easily figure out how to remove pipe, then the best option is to consult a professional. As, hiring a plumber to replace your faucet in the first place is much better than damaging the pipes inside the wall when removing the stem. It could cost you a lot more in the end.
  • If you do not have the right tools, then stay away from all the mess and ask the plumber because they have the right tools for the job.
  • If your new bathtub faucet valve is not getting attach easily to your pipes, don’t be afraid to return it and try another. It will be easier to get a new faucet in the style of the old one than to alter your plumbing.


Check the Real Issue

When you will see the mechanism behind the handle, you will realize the real issue that whether the washer is worn or the faucet. Mainly the reason behind the water leakage is not due to the faucet, but actually due to the worn washers. So if that is the case, then simply remove the washer no need to waste money on the faucet.

Buy the new faucet or washer

Now it’s time to go to the hardware store for buying the new faucet or washer according to the need. Do not forget to take the old faucet valve with you to the hardware store for buying the new one because it will help you in getting the same measurements as your old faucet so that it can easily screw into the wall.

Screw the new faucet onto the pipe

After getting the new faucet, get back home and use a Teflon tape for wrapping the exposed threads on either the faucet or the bathtub pipe. Tighten the faucet until it gets strong enough. After that, screw the handle back onto the stem. Congratulations, you have done your task.

Now turn back on the water and check if the faucet works fine or not.